big city
18 mil (0.45 mm)
9.0 oz. / sq. yard (305 g / sq. meter) (± 4%)
Tensile, grab (lbf.)
Warp 356 | Weft 314
Tear, trapezoid (lbf.)
Warp 60 | Weft 75
Ball Burst (lbf.)
Cold crack rated up to -40°C
0 reviews


The Renegade Flex-270 was designed for marquee tent sidewalls, but it is an excellent lightweight solution for any application where a soft-in-hand texture is key. These fabrics look and feel like more supple vinyl fabrics, but without any added plasticizers.


Heat weldable and easy to work with, the Flex-270 is an aesthetically pleasing fabric for lightweight applications.


All Flex series fabrics comply with California Fire Marshal title 19 fire retardant code.

Light Weight 
Light Weight 
Soft Texture 
Soft Texture 
UV Stabilized 
UV Stabilized 
Renegade Fabric Color Options:

Renegade maintains inventory of our most popular colors at our distribution center in Green Bay, WI. Less common colors may have longer lead times as they might be made to order. Contact our sales team for information on what we have in stock.

- +
Pricing depends on volume. Fabric is sold in increments of 200 linear yards except by special request.
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